Greetings L.I.F.E. Practitioners,
We are so pleased to present this month’s international speaker Dr. Alisa Rich, PhD., MPH, CBP.
Dr. Rich’s propagation of health and healing for children and adults is her driving passion. Her work includes the World Health Organization (WHO) Chemical Risk Assessment Network, Geneva, Switzerland, FEMA WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness, CEO & Director of Research & Government Relations Wolf USA, CEO & Director of Research & Strategic Partnerships Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer Pediatrics Cancer Research Organization, and the list goes on.
Dr. Rich has developed curriculum relating to toxicology and it’s impact on human health and the environment. She presents her message through conferences, specialized trainings, scientific presentations, and publications. Dr. Rich is the recipient of several prestigious awards for her exemplary contributions in the area of public health.
Dr. Rich says that she researched every bio-energetic system on the market and chose the L.I.F.E. System as the best option to enhance her work. She uses the L.I.F.E. System to provide an in-depth look at clients and their stressors related to toxins, diseases, and emotions. We are thrilled to have such a world renowned practitioner using the L.I.F.E. System and validating it’s efficacy through her amazing work.
Dr. Alisa Rich is looking forward to introducing you this amazing system of the human body in our first lecture of the year 2022.

The Lymphatic System is a critically important part of the Immune System. It is a complex and beautifully organized network of tissues and organs that protects the body from foreign invaders, absorbs digestive fats, and clears the body of toxins and waste products.
• It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels.
• The lymphatic system is important for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses.
• The lymph nodes monitor the lymph flowing into them and produce cells and antibodies which protect our body from infection and disease.
• The lymphatic system plays an important role in the absorption of fats from the intestine.
Please Note: it is necessary to register only once for this series of lectures. If you are unable to attend the lecture live, you may use this link to view the recording. All lectures are recorded and you may watch as many times as you wish. We ask that you do not share this link. If someone would like to watch the videos, please have them register for the lecture series. This series is presented exclusively for L.I.F.E. System owners.
View Introduction Video 02:36 min